
Studying and Communicating the Structure and Evolution of Science

SpeakerKaty Borner (TBD (NC STATES))
SummaryFriday, 12:00 noon at NESCent, Ninth Street and Main Street, Erwin Mill Building, 2024 W. Main Street, Suite A200. For more information, call 919-668-4551.

This seminar is co-sponsored by the Duke Visualization Technology Group

Cartographic maps of physical places have guided mankind’s explorations for centuries. They enabled the discovery of new worlds while also marking territories inhabited by unknown monsters.

Domain maps of abstract semantic spaces, see, aim to serve today’s explorers understanding and navigating the world of science. These maps are generated through scientific analysis of large-scale scholarly datasets in an effort to connect and make sense of the bits and pieces of knowledge they contain. They can be used to objectively identify major research areas, experts, institutions, collections, grants, papers, journals, and ideas in a domain of interest. Local maps provide overviews of a specific area: its homogeneity, import-export factors, and relative speed. They allow one to track the emergence, evolution, and disappearance of topics and help to identify the most promising areas of research. Global maps show the overall structure and evolution of our collective scholarly knowledge.

This talk will present an overview of the techniques and cyber-technologies used to study science by scientific means together with sample science maps and their interpretations.


Börner, K, Chen, C & Boyack, KW. 2003. Visualizing Knowledge Domains. In Cronin, Blaise (Eds.), Annual Review of Information Science & Technology (Vol. 37, pp. 179-255), chapter 5, American Society for Information Science and Technology, Medford, NJ.

Shiffrin RM, Börner K, eds. 2004. Mapping Knowledge Domains, Vol. 101 (Suppl. 1): PNAS.

Börner, K, Sanyal, S & Vespignani, A. 2007. Network Science. In Cronin, Blaise (Eds.), Annual Review of Information Science & Technology (Vol. 41, pp. 537-607), chapter 12, Medford, NJ: Information Today, Inc./American Society for Information Science and Technology.

Börner K. 2008. Atlas of Science. ESRI press.

Borner is Victor H. Yngve Associate Professor of Information Science, Director of the Information Visualization Lab, Director of the Cyberinfrastructure for Network Science Center, Adjunct Associate Professor of Informatics, Core Faculty Member of Cognitive Science, and Research Affiliate of the Biocomplexity Institute at Indiana University, Bloomington.
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