Evolution featured in Stanford University Medical School Magazine
Yet another example of Evolution's prominent role in all aspects of Science and society: The Stanford University School of Medicine publishes a quarterly magazine entitled Stanford Medicine for members of the Stanford Medical Alumni Association. The Summer 2006 issue of this magazine has, as its central theme, the topic of Evolution. Some of the articles are focused on obvious links between Evolution and medicine, such as an exploration of the extent to which Evolution is covered in the medical school curriculum (with a call to increase its presence), understanding Evolution through the study of bones, and examining the future of human genetics, addressing the question of whether or not the human race is still evolving. In addition to those articles, several focus on broader aspects of Evolution and society, such as an article by Stanford neuroscientist William Newsome describing how he balances science and faith, and a discussion of the question of science versus creationism/intelligent design and how this affects American values. The magazine even includes a humorous look at the challenge of convincing people that Evolution actually works. by Los Angeles Times columnist Joel Stein.