Learn why baboons debunk the myth of deadbeat dads: Susan Alberts @ Broad St. Cafe, May 11 7pm

What: Learn why baboons debunk the myth of deadbeat dads
When: Tuesday May 11, 7:00pm
Where: Broad Street Cafe, Durham
More info: http://www.ncmls.org/periodictables

The Importance of Being Dad: Paternal Care in Primates

Although human males often get criticized for being "deadbeat dads", the truth is that compared to most mammals, human males are simply outstanding fathers. Join us as Dr. Susan Alberts discusses why we don't generally expect male mammals to provide paternal care (answer: because we think they usually can't recognize their own offspring), and the unusual and surprising case of paternal care in a primate species where we least expect to find it.

In the baboons of the Amboseli basin of southern Kenya males differentiate their own offspring from other males' offspring, and provide care to them. Dr. Alberts will talk about why this should be so, and what it means about males of all species and their tendencies to provide offspring care.

Speaker: Dr. Susan Alberts, biologist at Duke University and Assoc. Dir. at NESCent

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