General Background

Smith, J.J., Baum, D.A., Moore, A. 2009. The need for molecular genetic perspectives in evolutionary education (and vice versa). TIGS Vol 25(10): 427- 429.doi:10.1016/j.tig.2009.09.001
Contact Jim Smith to request a reprint.

Garfield, D.A. and Wray, G.A. 2010. The Evolution of Gene Regulatory Interactions. BioScience Vol60(1): 15-23. DOI: 10.1525/bio.2010.60.1.6 Copyright American Institute of Biological Sciences and republished with permission. This paper provides background on how and why researchers study molecular evolution.

Musante, S. 2009. DNA Barcoding Investigations Bring Biology to Life. BioScience Vol60(1):14 doi:10.1525/bio.2010.60.1.4 Copyright American Institute of Biological Sciences and republished with permission. Learn how students are using DNA to explore species in the classroom.

Kalinowski, S.T., Leonard, M.J. and Andrews, T.M. 2010. Nothing in Evolution Makes Sense Except in the Light of DNA. CBE Life Sci Educ 9(2): 86-97. DOI: 10.1187/cbe.09-12-0088 This paper has several suggestions for genes to use in discussions of molecular evolution (including links to primary literature on these genes), as well as offering pedagogical guidelines for teaching evolutionary concepts.

An advanced tutorial on DNA and mutations

From Understanding Evolution
This tutorial steps through the basis of mutations and their phenotypic, and evolutionary effects.

Got lactase?

From Understanding Evolution
This Evolution in the News story explores the molecular changes underlying the ability of some people to drink milk, and the selective pressures that have made that mutation a beneficial adaptation.